Opens the account...

 Under advice to get miles in the bank early, and with a days work to do today, I set off in the cold and the dark at around 0520. I'd gone to bed early last night, but woke a few times, excited about getting started. Well lit by an assortment of LEDs, with extra layers to keep me warm, and NADDpod in the headphones to keep me entertained, I set off on my merry way...

One issue I had with a new light I'd not tried on the road bike was that it didn't fit on the handlebars... it could attach to the drops, meaning I'd not be able to get out of the big-ring, and would have to be very careful braking. Just about okay, and I'm sure I can make more lights fit on the front.

Heading North, I tried to join the Fosse, but was prevented from progressing by a flooded road. Turning back and heading South, I made it as far as Marton, before coming across another flooded road. I then headed NorthEast and got as far as the lovely "StraightMile" near Rugby, so called as it is straight, and about a mile long.

Account opened. Butt cold. Pleasant as far as things go!?


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